This Is Not My Beautiful House!

Jimi’s check-up visit. Medical care is as essential for your cat as it is for you. It’s a good idea to get a checkup for your cat once a year. Jimi was due for his first annual checkup today. All went well. Jimi is in top condition – though the vet told me I got to keep an eye on his weight.

For many cats, a veterinary visit is a stressful experience. Mr. Bowie was always relaxed and enjoyed the car rides. But Jimi was so stressed, the poor boy. He was so happy to be back home.

And you may find yourself
In another part of the world
And you may find yourself
Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?

“Once In A Lifetime” – Talking Heads

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #31

Good news! Yesterday, Mr. Bowie had his medical check-up concerning his ear (and eye) condition after his surgery from months ago. And again, the lab results were very good, no signs of those stubborn bacteria. Els, the brilliant and experienced doctor from ’t Derde Oor Veterinary Hospital, decided to stop the antibiotic medication. But Mr. Bowie was treated for tick prevention because we live in a place with the highest tick population in Europe. Personally, I’m not too happy about putting poison or a collar on a cat. Hopefully this medication is effective for controlling ticks. I really hate hate hate these creatures…

Once again, I want to thank you for all the support and concern. That is very kind of you. Mr. Bowie says “Meow!”

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.


Finally Some Good News

No risky surgery, for the time being. Yesterday, Mr. Bowie had his medical check-up concerning his ear surgery from last month. The lab test results were very good. It was a bit unexpected, said Els, the specialist, but we were all very happy! It looks like all the stubborn bacteria of the ear infection are killed and gone. Next month we’re going to reduce the antibiotic medication and follow up Mr. Bowie’s condition.

Back home, Mr. Bowie could check out the present he got in the hospital, a box with toys and goodies.

Once again, I want to thank you for all the support and concern. That is very kind of you. Mr. Bowie says “Meow!”

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #29

I’ve had a stressful day at home and it left me feeling a bit emotionally confused. I wish I had good news, but I’m afraid I don’t. This morning, Els, the specialist in the hospital, performed the surgery procedure on Mr. Bowie’s ear with great caution and expertise. Mr. Bowie’s inner ear was completely checked but unfortunately, she found serious problems in the ‘bulla tympanica’, the middle-ear. It looks like this is the real problem of Mr. Bowie’s ear and not a polyp. We’re going to try out an extra dose of a new antibiotic this month but another very risky surgery seems to be unavoidable.

Once again, I want to thank you for all the support and concern. That is very kind of you. Mr. Bowie says “Meow!” Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #28

There must be some kind of way outta here. Said the cat to the Vet. Just wanted to let everyone know that Mr. Bowie is 99% healed from his ear infection. To be sure we’re killing all the stubborn bacteria, Mr. Bowie needs ear drops for another week. His eye was in perfect condition!

Once again, I want to thank you for all the support and concern. That is very kind of you. Mr. Bowie says “Meow!” Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #27

In the waiting room. Today, Mr. Bowie had his medical check-up concerning his eye surgeries from last month. Thank goodness all went well. The healing process goes exactly according to plan. Next medical check-up within four months!

Unfortunately, the doctor noticed Mr. Bowie also needs medical treatment for an ear infection. Bummer! He needs ear drops twice a day for one week. Hang in there, my furry friend! You’re almost to the finish line, and I’ll help you get there…

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #24

Medical update. Yesterday, Mr. Bowie had his medical check up concerning his eye surgery from last week and all went well. The healing process is going good as expected. He still needs a minor surgical procedure to remove some stitches and if necessary, insufficient working tissue from the transplant. They will perform the procedure in two weeks. Unfortunately, Mr. Bowie is depressed because he needs to stay inside and wear his cone for another week… Hang in there, my furry friend!

Got no feel, I got no rhythm
I just keep losing my beat (you just keep losing and losing)
I’m OK, I’m alright (he’s alright, he’s alright)
I ain’t gonna face no defeat (yeah yeah)
I just gotta get out of this prison cell
One day (someday) I’m gonna be free, Lord!

“Somebody to Love” – Queen

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #23

Update on Mr. Bowie. I was so tired after all the different procedures of treating Mr. Bowie’s eye problem over the last five months. It felt like we were spinning our wheels and getting nowhere. I decided to start looking for a second opinion. By pure chance, I found a veterinary ophthalmology specialist with an impressive international reputation in a town not far away.

Mr. Bowie underwent a long radical surgery today. They performed a conjunctivoplasty and all went well. In combination with new medicines he should fully recover. Thank goodness. Hang in there, my furry friend!

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #22

Yes, more good news! Just got back home from another trip to the veterinary hospital. Mr. Bowie’s eye condition shows improvements in comparison with the results from last week. Yeah! The doctor told me that Mr. Bowie’s ready to resume his duties. Right now it’s keeping the stray dogs and cats away from the garbage cans. Way to go, Mr. Bowie! So glad you keep going in the right direction.

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #21

Hooray for Mr. Bowie! Just got back home from the veterinary hospital. Finally, after more than two months, Mr. Bowie’s health condition is drastically improving. The second eye with signs of a viral infection is cured. The wound in his other eye is healing well, there’s a significant reduction in size. So happy that we seems to be going in the right direction! Keeping our fingers and paws crossed!

Meanwhile Mr. Bowie is out of focus but chilling and recovering from the stress after all the medical examinations…

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #20

There’s good news & bad news. Mr. Bowie is awake and back home. The surgery went well and let’s hope he’s on the way to a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, the doctor discovered that Mr. Bowie’s other eye also shows signs of a viral infection. We will definitely have to follow up this issue and let’s hope for a successful outcome. Next medical check up on Monday.

Can’t stop wondering what I did wrong in this life, or maybe a past life, to deserve all the tragedies, misfortunes and BS of the last 3 years. But hey, no matter how many times life knocks us down, eventually we get back up again.

Thank you for all your good wishes, get well messages and concern in the previous posts. Much appreciated! Sorry I didn’t respond to all of you.

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #19

Surgery for Mr. Bowie. After two months of intensive treatment of Mr. Bowie’s eye, he needs to undergo surgery tomorrow. We tried different medicines and treatments but surgery is unfortunately unavoidable. This is a real disappointment. Let’s just hope for the best, shall we?

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Side Effect

Leave me alone. Attending the Veterinary Hospital once or twice a week created a funny side effect on Mr. Bowie. Recently, he seems to prefer laying and sleeping in his carrier box.

But it’s a shame his healing process feels so slow. However, the latest results showed he’s moving in the right direction. Hang in there my friend, everyone loves you.

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Sunday Siesta

I’m very chill. Some days I feel full of energy and some days I don’t, just like Mr. Bowie. On a sunny day, you can improve your health and you don’t need to spend hours in the gym. Just take a look at Mr. Bowie.

Thank you for all your good wishes and concern in the previous post. Much appreciated! Sorry I didn’t respond to all of you. Next Tuesday we’re going back to the hospital to see a specialist. Let’s keep our fingers and paws crossed and hope Mr. Bowie’s eye condition is improving.

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #17

Have patience, Mr. Bowie! It looks like patience is a key factor in the slow healing process of Mr. Bowie’s eye. We went to the Veterinary Hospital for another check up and it looks like we’re making advancements. Mr. Bowie needs to take his medicines for at least another week. Thank goodness we’re moving in the right direction.

The summer season started with a dangerous heat wave in this part of the world. Finally, after this heavy heat of summer our prayers were answered with rain showers. Watch out, Mr. Bowie, a table surface becomes slippery when it first rains after a long dry period.

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Newsflash #15

A big bummer. Just got back from Venhei, the Veterinary Hospital. What a disappointment… The ointment didn’t cure Mr. Bowie’s eye infection. We need to treat the symptoms with antibiotics, an inflammatory agent and ointment for the following 2 weeks. Thank goodness Mr. Bowie is in the good hands of Veerle and Sarah, 2 experienced and brilliant vets.

Meanwhile Mr. Bowie is chilling and recovering from the stress after all the medical examinations…

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

Medical Check Up 2015


Doctor doctor, gimme the news. Today, I took Mr. Bowie for an annual medical check-up to Renate, another experienced and brilliant vet working at Venhei, a Veterinary Hospital. Just like Frédéric last year, she performed some medical tests for Mr. Bowie’s comprehensive medical check-up concerning his ear problem. Renate ensured me that Mr. Bowie’s health is on track.

Right now, it’s important for Mr. Bowie to take time to relax when he’s recovering from the stress after this traumatic event. Vanilla ice cream, Mr. Bowie?