Newsflash #19

Surgery for Mr. Bowie. After two months of intensive treatment of Mr. Bowie’s eye, he needs to undergo surgery tomorrow. We tried different medicines and treatments but surgery is unfortunately unavoidable. This is a real disappointment. Let’s just hope for the best, shall we?

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

43 responses

  1. All positive thoughts and purrs heading Mr. Bowie’s way. “Eye Captain Mr. B will get this thing licked!”

  2. It was hard to click the “like” button. I don’t like the news, but you and Mr. Bowie will be in my thoughts and prayers for a good outcome.

  3. Oh sweet Mr. Bowie – Teddy and I will hope that the surgery fixes that eye as it’s been so stubborn getting well – we are sorry you and Herman have to go through that but you’re one brave mancat and we know you’ll recover ASAP and be back out in the garden stalking birds and sniffing catnip!

    Hugs to you both………..Pam

  4. I am sorry to hear the medications didn’t work. Good healing thoughts for Bowie. All our fingers, toes and paws crossed.

  5. Mr. B., we are so disappointed to hear this. We will be praying extra hard for you tomorrow for a quick and successful surgery, especially a pain free one. Keep us posted on how it goes. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  6. Loving prayers going out to Mr. B, hope the surgery is total success!
    Herman, just curious if you tried colloidal silver eyedrop treatment, that had always worked for all animal eye infections that i’ve treated in the past. My whole family uses it as a natural eyewash and we never get pinkeye or any infections. The first sign our cats’ eyes close due to possible infection, we administer a drop and it clears up within minutes! I can’t speak highly enough of colloidal silver as an all natural remedy for humans and pets alike. Please keep this in mind for future treatment.


  7. Sending the Power of the Paw to Mr. Bowie for his surgery tomorrow, Herman. All our thoughts and prayers are with you both at this time.
    – Cats and crew of Salmon Brook Farms

  8. Poor Mr. Bowie! I hope he has a very good doctor and heals up well. He’s young and healthy otherwise and that’s great. You take care of you Herman and of him after his surgery. We know you’ll keep us posted.

  9. Probably a good thing. All the treatments must have caused a lot of discomfort and it’s so hard to gauge how a cat feels. You are in good hands Mr Bowie … will be thinking of you and I’m sure everything will be fine. Herman you must be on espresso overload by now!

  10. I really disliked to hit the the like button, yet Mr.Bowie knowing that you will be taken care off makes it worth it to hit like. Sweet Mr. Bowie you are such a strong cat and you will be coming out strong from your surgery, please ask for a double flavor of catnip for your aneasticia (oops sorry my englisch, but you know what I mean)!!!!! Hopefully you will see the beauty of the world of a cat very soon. Sending paw hugs from Moshu and Me. Hej,also make sure they serve you vanilla ice cream one you wake up!!

  11. Keeping everything crossed for you and Mr B. Sometimes surgery is the only option. Hubby had eye surgery on Monday and is doing well. Mr B may not be a happy catty for a few days, but hopefully he’ll feel better for it in the long term.

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