Fly Away


I want to get away. Mr. Bowie, and the dogs in the neighbourhood, didn’t like the sound of the burner noise of this hot air balloon flying overhead. Mr. Bowie ran back into the house.

I wish that I could fly
Into the sky
So very high
Just like a dragonfly

“Fly Away” – Lenny Kravitz

63 responses

    • Loved your post and photographs today, Julie!
      Lenny Kravitz is waiting in my iTunes playlist right now…

    • Thank you, Mary J.
      Thank goodness Mr. Bowie likes my (loud) music. I’m working right now in the studio while he’s asleep next door…

    • Well, he was watching it for a few minutes, but when he heard the loud noise his interest was over…

    • I guess this balloon was a bit to low so the sound of the burner was to loud for the animals in the neighbourhood. Mr. Bowie doesn’t have a problem with my loud music, though…

      • Mr. Bowie’s a rocker! It seems he prefers to drift off into the beat than go “up up in the air” in someone’s “beautiful balloon”!

  1. Yes, those burners do make noise. But when they are quiet, just floating it is so peaceful. I have flown twice in a hot air balloon….both times over the Masai Mara in Kenya. The animals don’t notice them till they turn the burner on.
    The only problem with using one for travel is you are dependent on the wind and air currents….you never know where you are going or how long it will take to get there.

  2. Mr Bowie is one smart cat. Sine he likes the music, it wasn’t the volume, I’d have to say he recognized the sound of burning, which it is. Something burning overhead would send me indoors, too. The balloons are pretty to watch but cats are practical.

  3. The Sylvester and Tweetie balloons are something else! I’ve never been up in one, but have heard them go overhead. Yes, I bet Mr. Bowie wouldn’t like the noise. Mr. Nano would be under the covers, hiding!

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