41 responses

  1. Mr Bowie looks so content in your beautiful garden. Those moments are very precious indeed. Dark and rainy here, a good day for coffee and cuddling cats.

  2. I heartily agree. Cherish the little things. 🙂
    And don’t worry Mr Bowie. Don’t you know that Every day is your birthday! Treats and vanilla ice cream! 🙂

  3. An important reminder that today is the day, and that’s why it called the present. Every day is a good day. I always remind myself that it’s not about where I’m going; it’s about where I am. More important yet to remember as you get old(er.) 🙂

  4. Wise words, Herman! One never knows. The time goes by more and more quickly, it seems. Our collective best to you and Mr. Bowie, and your family. “Gather ye cat treats while ye may…” 🙂

  5. Oh indeed…..every moment counts….having a health scare really brings that thought home and I think every day when I wake up that TODAY will be my best day ever. I hope you and Mr. Bowie have lots of happy days full of love…………..”All we need is love”…….(and maybe espresso and chocolate!)

    Pam (and Sam)

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