The Art of Movie Theater Napping


The art of falling asleep while watching Interstellar – Black & White Photo Challenge, Day 1. Guess it’s the first time I participate in a blog challenge, kinda, I’m going to give it a try. I was invited by Gin from Darwin On The Rocks And Around The World. Gin lives close in my neighbourhood, in a manner of speaking, so it was hard for me to refuse.

There are only 2 rules to follow by accepting this challenge. First you got to post a different black and white photo of yours each day for five consecutive days. Second rule is you got to nominate a fellow blogger on each day to continue the challenge. But I think I’m going to skip that rule. I’m sorry, Gin. But if anyone wants to jump in, feel free to join.

Mr. Bowie keeps falling asleep while watching movies. But this was ‘Interstellar’… It’s about going boldly where no cat has gone before… Come on, Mr. Bowie, Jessica Chastain was in the movie!

45 responses

  1. It’s okay to fall asleep during the movie, especially if the room is darkened like how they do at the theater. No one would notice.

  2. Haha, Mister Bowie was not impressed 😉

    Don’t worry about the rule, I hope other people will join the fun. If it’s the case, they can always share their links in the comment of this post so we could have a look 😉

  3. Sleeping is art, Mr Bowie and dreams are in black and white…sometimes, so I guess this was good 😀 Pawkisses for an eggstra Happy Easter and hope your Easter Bunny Day is filled with fun in every way 🙂 ❤

    • But wait a minute, Pam… Mr. Bowie was already sleeping before Jessica Chastain appeared in the movie! 😉

  4. Mr Bowie is not alone in sleeping through a movie. Rated by humans great, cats often rate them ho hum. Mi Sun does not get my attraction to George Clooney at all, she snores right in his best parts. Good luck with the challenge. I love black and white but haven’t done any myself in ages.

  5. I saw Interstellar at the movie theater. Riveting movie, not sure why Bowie would fall asleep. He must have been really tired. Or maybe he’d prefer to watch “That Darn Cat”.

    • Mr. Bowie was chasing black birds out of the garden in the afternoon. That’s probably the reason why he fell asleep. Mr. Bowie says ‘Thank you’ for recommending the cat movie! 😉

  6. I watched “interstellar” today…I almost fall asleep like Mr. Bowie! 😉 I think it is a good movie…but…it was just OK…2 Bowies out of 5 😉

  7. If Mr.Bowie fell asleep on your labs, than he was just so darn comfortable, that he would be careless about the movie. Unless he would hear the crumbling noise of you opening one of your Belgian chocolate bars, that would signalize , hey where is my treat. Just saying.

    • You got that right, Cornelia. It was so hard to watch the movie because I couldn’t open ‘my’ treats without waking up Mr. Bowie… 😉

  8. We watched this the other day–Simon didn’t care for it. He doesn’t like movies–he likes naps 😀 . The movie was better than Gravity but I was a bit disappointed. Take care! 🙂

      • I had the feeling that Interstellar borrowed a few things from 2001 and I kept feeling shadows from Contact. 😀 Yeah.. exaggerated may be an understatement. 🙂 Have a great evening.

        • I agree. Interstellar could have been a classic, but ‘something’ or some details were missing. But hey, Jessica Chastain was in the movie! 😉
          Have a nice day.

  9. Mr Bowie is like my Mr B. He falls asleep during the movie and never know how it ends. So I can make up any old thing, LOL. I saw Interstellar and thought the ending was pretty surprising. It was fun to see Matt Damon as the ‘bad guy’ too. I’d have no desire to go into outer space cause all the cute cats are down here 😀 xK

    • I was surprised too to see Matt Damon as the bad guy…
      I have aviophobia, or the fear of flying, so you won’t find me in a spaceship. 😉

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