CIA. Cat Intelligence-agency (C.I.A.) field offices have to find a delicate balance between blending in and providing adequate security for the humans. Jimi is very good in blending in while I’m reading the newspaper and having my morning espresso.

Meanwhile, this part of the world is going in the wrong direction due to the rising Covid-19 infections. The National Security Council closely monitor the situation and we’re looking at new reinforced measures. 

Enjoy this beautiful day, my friends, wherever you are. Peace, love and understanding.

90 responses

  1. Jimi is keeping a close eye on you Herman – as any good watch-cat will do. Teddy does the same with us…..reminding us to stay safe (and feed him regularly!). We are knee deep in the horror of Covid but continue to follow guidance and hope for the best. We hope you stay super safe too – I think espresso and chocolate are two EXCELLENT ways of “isolating” !!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    • Hi Pam. You’re so right about espresso and chocolate in these strange isolating times… Unfortunately, there are so many idiots out there who doesn’t follow the guidance rules to stay safe… It makes me feel so sad and angry…

      Stay safe and healthy, my friends!

    • Yes, so true, our animals help us to get some comfort in these weird and dangerous times. Unfortunately, there are so many idiots out there who doesn’t seem to realise things are getting out of hand again…

  2. Jimi’s a good blending agent. Does he like to go under cover in the bed? He looks like he’s taking good care of you making sure nothing cat-a-strophic happens.

    • Blending in with the bed is his specialty… He fools me very time! Thank goodness he’s looking after me the rest of the day, when he’s awake and wants treats in return…

      Albuquerque was in our tv news yesterday. Apparently Trump ordered some kind of special police force to go to your city because ‘things’ are getting out of hand…?? So please, don’t run around with a baseball bat, my friend! 😉

        • Haha… that’s funny. I guess it’s a special secret department from the CIA or NSA, that’s why you guys doesn’t realise what’s going on… 😉

          • Here’s a quote from our governess:

            “If the Trump administration wishes to antagonize New Mexicans and Americans with authoritarian, unnecessary and unaccountable military-style ‘crackdowns,’ they have no business whatsoever in New Mexico…”

            She wants to be the only one antagonizing New Mexicans and Americans with her authoritarian, unnecessary and unaccountable crackdowns.

            I find it sad when politicians are either blind to their own actions, or just simply too conceited to see they are acting the same or worse than Trump.

            The difference is Trump is trying to deal with criminal activity, while many governors are acting against the citizenry at large, largely ignoring, and in many cases, encouraging criminal activity.

            • Thanks for explaining this in more details, Tim. We only get some headlines in the news about the situation. These are indeed very weird times… and difficult to get a clear view with all the different states in the US.

              • During the Obama years, the feds put the Albuquerque police on probation which made it difficult for the police to do their jobs. Because of that, the Albuquerque police department is 800 to 1,100 officers short of what they should have for a city this size. Albuquerque probably needs many more officers than the average city its size given the high crime rate.

                  • Albuquerque is the crossroads for the two major interstate highways that run north and south and east and west across the USA. I-25 is part of the Pan American Highway that runs from the tip of Chile, through Mexico, the USA, Canada and ends in Alaska. Albuquerque gets the good, the bad, and the ugly from all directions stopping and often causing serious problems.

                    • Thanks for the extra information! The ‘good, bad & ugly’… well, now I know where you got that Clint E little grin look…

  3. He’s got to work on that sly expression.

    I hope things get under control where you are. And here too, though my fellow Americans don’t seem ready to do the hard work.

    • Now it’s summer people seems to think the virus is gone and there having BBQ’s (and other fun stuff) with way too many people. Things are really getting out of hand right now and the idiots doesn’t seem to wake up and realise what’s going on… It makes me feel so sad and angry…

      • Same here. Where I live people are smarter than in many other places (literally it’s called he most educated county in the nation) but I’ve still seen photos of people crowding a beer garden just a few miles away. And in the parts of the country where they talk about hoaxes and masks taking away your freedom, it’s appalling.

        • I can picture the scene. Same thing happens in my street and neighbourhood. Too many people getting together to party or having BBQ’s and stuff. Hard to believe this is happening in these dangerous times… Are they just plain stupid or what?

    • Hahaha… yes, reading your stories about Louis it’s obvious he’s a very, very special one. But I said it before, never, never underestimate a cat! 🙂

    • Hi Christine. We’re all ok but my Dad’s having a hard time because no visitors are allowed in his apartment. I’m the only person that can go visit him. He misses the conversations with his old buddies…
      Thank you so much for the tweet! Jimi sends his regards!

    • We’re still all ok and doing fine. Thank you so much for your concern, my friend!
      I’m very glad Jimi’s keeping an eye on me while I’m having an espresso…
      Stay safe and healthy, my friends!

    • Hi Lavinia. We are living in very weird and dangerous times right now. Let’s hope there will be a vaccin available very soon so the situation can get back to normal again… Thank goodness Jimi’s looking after me…
      Stay safe and healthy, my dear friend!

  4. Dear CIA operative, your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to ensure one, dad, aka, Herman is entertained and loved at all costs. I can not impress enough, how important this mission is. This message will self destruct in 10…9…8…7 (Que gripping theme song and roll camera as an agile and limber Tom Cruise carefully, but with sonic speed, runs with Jimi to an awaiting chopper) ! I’d say that’s a block buster 🥰😍 Stay safe my friends. xK

    • Oh yes, that would be ‘the’ blockbuster of the year! Not thanks to TC but thanks to Jimi… 🙂
      I always love the MI movies, especially the beginning with that fantastic tune from Lalo Schifrin. Dumdum dumdum dumdum… It helps you to cope with the fact TC is in the movie! 😉

        • Well, I like TC in most of his movies but I get the shivers seeing him in that creepy Scientology BS. That organisation is really scary and sick…

          PS: Chris Pine rocks big time, especially in Star Trek!

  5. I can tell from Jimi’s ears all perked up, that he knows that you are talking about him… I know that very well from my cat Moshu, each time I talk about her on the phone to friends her ears go up like little sails of a boat……. and also he is taking his assigned job as CIA officer very seriously…. I do hope he gets a good pay for his highly attentive position. Peace to all of us.

    • Hi Cornelia! Yes, this is so true. It happened to me too, talking about Jimi with friends at home and you can see he’s following the conversation… So funny!
      I bought some extra treats for Jimi because he’s doing great on his job in the CIA service. Thank goodness he’s keeping an eye on me…
      Wishing you a great weekend, my friend!

  6. Jimi looks like he’s keeping up with things well, knowing he’s in charge while you read your paper. I read about more virus in your area this morning and that things might tighten up again to prevent it getting worse. Take care of you and yours and keep us posted. 😥

    • The situation is really getting worse… yesterday a 3 year old child died due the Covid-19 virus. The problem is that a lot of people are acting like real idiots after the measures were more flexible again. Now we’re facing Lockdown 2.0… I could tell you horror stories about things I’m seeing during my daily walks. It’s unbelievable how stupid a lot of people are, not only in this part of the world.
      Meanwhile, I’m keeping myself and my Dad isolated from the rest of the world. Let’s hope there will be a good working vaccin real soon…

      Stay safe and healthy, my friend! Enjoy your time outside in the garden and kitchen while preparing all the delicious vegetables…

      • Herman I’m so sorry to read about that. We have horror stories too. In Texas, ICU capacity is over 100% and now the doctors have to decide who they have resources to treat: the sickest ones who probably won’t survive are sent home to die. And yet younger people are still going about their business like nothing is wrong at all. Take care of yourself and your dear father, and keep us posted. Lock down is bad, but might be for the best. I wish a lot of places here would go back to stricter restrictions. We always wanted to be #1 at ……something, and now …….we are. I hope you get to get your treats and stock up on the good stuff before you go back to lock down. Be well dear friend.

        • Well, just to be sure and safe, I’m going to the local store to buy some extra chocolade, and treats for my furry friend.
          Let’s hope the scientists will find a good working vaccine real soon… But I’m afraid we’ll have to be very patient, and in the meantime very careful.

          • Yes, stock up on important things. I am too, in case there’s a time when I just don’t want to go to any store. Vaccine, yes, safe and effective vaccine! Seems like it won’t be for a long time tho, that they’re available at all, much less for everybody. Stay safe………..

  7. Jimi is one cool cat…hanging out…blending in…giving out good vibes.

    The kids and I hope you stay safe, Herman. As you know, it’s a train wreck here in the U.S., so I stay close to home and do what I can to keep myself and others safe.

    • Hi Mary. We’re still ok… The local authority announced new and stronger measures because things are getting out of control, again. There are too many people still acting like idiots and thinking this is all a hoax… It makes me feel so sad and angry. Thank goodness Jimi is keeping an eye on me. Hanging around with him makes me feel better.
      Stay safe and healthy, my friend!

  8. They are good at blending in, regardless of the paint scheme you may have. When they see you on the search for them, the good ones will join in with the search. 😉

    • Jimi seems to be a master in blending in. If he’s gone, I know I have to check out the bedroom. But you just can’t see him (sleeping on the bed)…

  9. haha Jimi does look like he’s guarding you 😀
    I think Corona numbers around the world are going to go up and down for a while yet. Keep Safe. 🙂

  10. In London the lockdown was really strict, people generally kept to it until the protests, the streets were really quiet, now i see everyone rushing off to Spain and elsewhere on holiday and today the Government has announced they have to isolate for two weeks when they return, you know they won’t so I guess we’re going to be getting a second spike soon and I’ll have to rebook another wedding day.

    Keep safe you and Jimi they’ve announced today that cats can catch it too!!

    • Hi Charlotte. We are all living in such weird times… This evening new stronger measures were announced, even a curfew: we all have to stay at home between 23:30h and 6:00h. It feels like we’re living in a country with ongoing armed conflicts between organised groups… And still I see a lot of people acting like real idiots, as if nothing is wrong…

      I hope you can plan a new and final wedding day soon. Such a shame you had to cancel the original date.
      Stay safe and healthy, Charlotte! Wishing you, George and your family all the best.

    • Hi Julie. Thank goodness we can still go outside, but we have to wear a mask everywhere. No problems for Jimi, he can enjoy his morning walks in the garden without wearing a mask… 😉
      Stay healthy and safe, my friend! Jimi sends his regards!

  11. You take the most amazing pictures… are your cats incredibly compliant or are you simply a phenomenal photographer?? When I want to snap my cats, they seem to have a sixth sense and I usually get to photograph a hind leg as they make a dash for it! 🙂

    • Hi Karen. I’m not a phenomenal photographer at all… I followed a short class about digital photography but got bored real soon and dropped out. I just take a lot of pictures all the time so I can select the best shot. And sometimes I just get lucky… My cats aren’t patient at all and don’t like me taking their photographs…

      Wishing you a great weekend!

    • I think a lot of people (including myself in the beginning) underestimated this virus. The next 4 weeks we have to stay at home between 23:30h-6:00h. It’s the first time since WW2 there’s a curfew in this part of the world…
      But you’re so right, thank goodness the CIA field officer is keeping an eye on me!

      • You’right. It almost seemed unreal at first. A lot of those nasty viruses stay in the Far East. I look at the new and am glad I don’t live there. Hope your curfew works. Things are a mess over here.

        • We’ll have to wait at least 2 weeks to see the effect of the curfew. So far almost everyone follows the rules except for some idiots, like always. Let’s hope a good working vaccine will be available real soon…

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