84 responses

    • Let’s hope you’re heading south in the direction of Spain or Portugal… ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Meanwhile, we’ll stay safe and warm inside with treats and espressos…

  1. Looks cold there, Herman! You and Mr. Bowie stay warm!

    We’re all doing well here, and it’s been a relatively mild winter. We miss old Willow, but we know she is just over the Rainbow Bridge, waiting for us.

    • Hi Lavinia! I’ve been thinking about you and how you’re missing old Willow. I love to believe that somewhere in time we will all be reunited with all the loved ones we’ve lost in our lives.
      Sending you hugs, my dear friend!

  2. Unlike your snow, we’re having a blizzard today.
    Stay away from the snow and cold. Inside is the place to be where it’s warm with all the treats.

    • We will follow your advice, David! Treats, chocolate and a good strong espresso. That’s how we can beat that snow…

  3. Gosh Mr. Bowie and Herman – that’s a lot of snow! Don’t get cold feet Mr. B – you might catch cold…..looks like perfect espresso and chocolate weather though!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

    • Hi Pam! I had to dry Mr. Bowie’s cold and wet paws with a warm towel. But afterwards he wanted to go back outside…
      Hope you’re having a wonderful day, my friends!

    • Thank you so much for your kind comment and advice, my friend!
      Wishing you and your loved ones all the best and a wonderful 2019! Mr. Bowie says “Meow!” and sends his regards!

  4. It looks cold. We have only had a very few flakes and none stuck so we really can’t say we have had snow yet this year. Stay warm and safe sweet Mr. Bowie. Nose kisses

    • Ja, ik let er goed op. Gelukkig blijft hij niet lang buiten. Deze morgen was hij al na 2 minuten terug binnen. Misschien een muts kopen in een baby-winkel? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Watch those little feet, Mr Bowie, it’s cold out there! ๐Ÿ™‚
    It looks nice snow though . . . But I do say that from my summer abode! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Plenty of Hot Chocolate with extra marshmallows is in order! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Oh yes, it is way to cold for the both of us. Although, Mr. Bowie was playing in the snow a few minutes ago. But now he’s back inside and enjoying my duvet in the bedroom… ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Hope you’re having a wonderful day, Cornelia!

    • Hi Greg, you are so right. He immediately rushed to the bedroom to take a nap on the duvet…
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    • Mr. Bowie likes to check out the garden every morning, snow are no snow… ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend!

  6. I see that Mr. Bowie is inspecting your snow shoveling efforts, Herman. His body language tells me that an inspection carried from the bedroom window would be sufficient… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Hi Julie! Don’t worry, we’re safe and warm back inside and prefer our duvet… We’re counting the days for spring and warmer days.
      Hope you’re having a wonderful day!

  7. I always find it cute how cats stare into the snow. I suppose the color and reflection, plus the chill they might feel, is very intriguing to them. They are just so dang adorable! Hope you are warming up over there by now!

    • Hi Holly. Welcome on HoB and thanks for following the blog. Much appreciated!
      Mr. Bowie always loves to go outside in the snow. I prefer to stay indoors. Thank goodness spring arrived in this part of the world…

      • I hope you are having a wonderful day and enjoying the arrival of spring for you.

        Mr. Bowie sounds like quite the charmer. ๐Ÿ™‚ So cute! And thank you for the welcome. You too are welcome at my blog any day!

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