The French Tie

My great unveiling for today. I have a confession to make on HoB: I don’t like photos of dressed up animals. Why do people dress up their pets? Most items are not entirely practical for the animals. The reasons why pet owners dress up their pets are not yet well researched, according to a BBC news article.
Just for once, I momentarily dressed up Mr. Bowie for a photo shoot. After all, it’s a special day.


Happy Meow Year! Viva la Vida!

I was six years old, when I got this French tie. I went to a Christian school and the tie was a present from an old nun. She bought it during a pilgrimage which she made to Lourdes. I don’t remember ever wearing this French tie.

50 responses

  1. I don’t like pets being dressed up, either. Certainly, there would be NO chance of my ever putting anything at all on Lui Stringer; but that’s fine by both of us. Mr. Bowie needs no dressing up: he is amazing handsome quite naked!

  2. What a stunning blue color. He is handsome without clothing or an accessory but if he needs a little something, the tie you have chosen is a good choice.

  3. Super…waar je die verhalen blijft halen, jou lange termijn geheugen is nog perfect, hoop ook nog op vele stories op HoB!

  4. Bowie staat er wel mee! Beste wensen voor 2014!
    En hopelijk mogen we weer een heel jaar lang meegenieten van HANDS ON BOWIE.

  5. We agree on the “dressing animals” thing….but I have to admit, Mr. Bowie looks VERY handsome in that beautiful blue silk tie of yours Herman. What a cute story that is too……AND it is a special occasion – the start of a brand new year. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

    Pam and Sam

  6. I agree about dressing up animals…weird…but I have to admit, Mr. Bowie does look (tolerant) and quite handsome in that tie…Happy New Year!

  7. I go a step beyond that: I don’t enjoy circuses and places like Sea World because I question the morality of taking animals out of their natural environments to perform for our amusement.

  8. The tie is absolutely stunning, although you probably didn’t want to wear it for long.
    My cats won’t let me do that at all….even if I promise them a treat.
    Happy New Year and blessings Mr. Bowie AND Herman!

  9. I normally don’t like animals being dressed up either but I just could not resist knitting the bow-tie for Mr. Cole. Mr. Bowie looks very handsome in your old tie.

  10. Cutie…another great shot…btw…thanks so much fro multi voting Annabelle and our gang…:-)))
    greets from dreamy banks of river Eider, german coastline…

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