May 1


Warmer days ahead. May 1 is the 122nd day of the year (in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. This post is not about the date May 1 or the International Workers’ Day. It’s about Mr. Bowie holding on to the sunshine. Finally, temperatures in this part of the wold will be a warmer later in the week. It’s time to buy vanilla ice cream for Mr. Bowie and coffee ice cream for the human. Yeah!

56 responses

  1. Love that little claw! Enjoy the sun the two of you… we had sun but now it is rainy again (but the garden needs it so that is ok).

    • Thank you, Letizia! We had rain last week, every day. So finally it looks like spring is here to stay…

    • Colombian ice cream van Averbode! Eindelijk ‘echt’ lekkere mokka ijskreem van de abdij… 😉

    • Had to look ‘Walpurgisnacht’ up. It’s something new to me, although it seems to be a Dutch and German thing…
      Wishing you happy and warm memories on your 46th wedding anniversary!

  2. Enjoy the warmer weather, Herman and Mr. Bowie! And don’t forget the vanilla and coffee ice cream. Mr. Bowie looks like he means business with those toenails… 🙂

    It is supposed to get into the low 80s here today. There will be cats stationed at every window, soaking up the sunshine. We all send a big “Meow” to you both!

    • Thank you, Lavinia! I’m going to the shop first thing tomorrow…
      Mr. Bowie says “Meow!” to the whole Crew and hopes they all enjoy the sunshine!

  3. I hope we get some sun too. It’s raining here and has been. Coffee ice cream is my favorite flavor. There is an old fashioned local ice cream place I go too that makes a wonderful coffee milk shake. They close for the winter, I am looking forward to it opening and getting warm enough to enjoy their goodies. Love seeing Mr. Bowie in action.

    • Thank goodness our local ice cream shop is always open! They only take a one week break… Looking forward for ice cream outside at the end of the week. Weatherman says 23 degrees Celsius from next Friday…

    • Oh no… there’s definitely something wrong with our climate! Get yourself a hot strong espresso (and chocolate, of course!)…

    • Hi there, my friends! Mr. Bowie’s catnip woke up from wintersleep and is already growing. Thank you for the catnip sauce idea! But I’ll stick with chocolate sauce… 🙂

  4. It’s funny how kitties can grab onto sunshine. Mr. Bowie has a good hold on it. Ice cream weather — bring it on!

  5. We may be sharing the same weather forecast. Our winter may loosen its last grasp towards the end of the week. Ice cream, good for anytime of the year.

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