Reggae Geel 2013

Catch a vibe at Reggae Geel on Friday, August 2 and Saturday, August 3 2013! Reggae Geel, one of Europe’s oldest reggae festivals, was founded in 1978. Throughout the years Reggae Geel became a trendsetting and authentic festival. Every year they bring the best of what Jamaica has go to offer to the ‘Belse Bossen’ in the city of Geel. What once started as a party in open-air is now a leading festival with over 30,000 visitors each year.

Introducing Nele Van den Berg. Nele is the Mom of Ushi, Mr. Bowie’s grandmother. Nele performs backing vocals for Iron Ites. Iron Ites are a roots rock reggae band who want to spread a positive message in this time of tribulation. Iron Ites was founded in 2010. Most of the musicians used to play in several projects such as The Mighty Pirates, Zionyouth, Bottle of Moonshine, Soul Jamaica, Wahwahsda. After one year a fix new formation came up, known as Iron Ites. The band will be performing at Reggae Geel tomorrow. Practically in my backyard.


Nele with Benoitte Kiangana Mupatshi


Iron 1

Benoitte Kiangana Mupatshi: lead vocals
Photos used with permission


Mr. Bowie will be working for stewarding and security on the festival site. He’s there to make sure that the event runs smoothly and safely for everybody.
