Get Rhythm


“Rhythm is something you either have or don’t have, but when you have it, you have it all over.” – Elvis Presley

Mr. Bowie got it all. Following a tempo of 111 BPM in Logic Pro X is very exciting for a cat. It is certainly a disturbing element for a musician. But we will rock you.

36 responses

  1. Rock it Bowie One one one
    Pro X Logic Fun fun fun
    Rock it Bowie One one one
    Get that rhythm, get that beat
    Rock it Bowie 111.

    You can Mr. Bowie can make a hit out of it 😉

  2. I love this photo Herman. No sound, no motion but I swear I hear music and see Mr. Bowie swaying. Two geniuses in your house.

  3. Dear Mr Bowie, I want to get down on my knees and hug you, cause I love you like a rock, you rock me like the rock of ages, I love you….. love you, love you love you xox

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