28 responses

  1. Bowie and Herman, I’ve enjoyed your journeys and wonderful sense of humour. Bowie you are a human, Herman you are a cat! Wonderful! See you ’round the internet, someday, somewhere. Kisses. ❤

  2. I believe I see a Mr. Bowie cloud formation…
    ♪Just my ‘magination, once again.
    Running away with me.
    Oh, tell you it was just my ‘magination,
    Running away with me.♪

  3. Wauw, dit is al een van de mooiste natuurfoto’s die ik van jou gezien heb…als je nog zoiets ziet bel je even!!!

  4. You get better and better, Herman. It’s so beautiful and you captured that changing light so well. You are lucky, too. When I have to run for the camera, most of the time the shot is gone when I return!

  5. WOW! Beauty is around every corner when you have a cat in your life. This is the time to enjoy a nice glass of Cabernet in the garden while you talk about the day.

    Like, “how’s the catnip looking Bowie? Did you do much snail hunting today? What should we do tomorrow?”

    “Oh, what’s that?”

    “Sorry, did I wake you up?”

    Cat’s are the best kind of companion, they don’t talk much but are great listeners 😀 Happy weekend to you guys xB

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