Up in the Air


Lift me up. I got this photo from Hilde, a member of the family. I would like to believe that the graffiti was made by the United Kingdom-based artist Banksy. But I don’t think he’s ever been to Namur, a city in southern Belgium and the capital of Wallonia.

Just wondering… How many regular-sized helium-filled balloons would it take to lift Mr. Bowie? Or let’s say baby Bowie?


41 responses

  1. AWWWW one of my clients has a saying (very crude in its original statement) about how any picture of a kitten is cute. I will not quote it verbatim because Mr. Bowie is so refined! And was an extra cute kitten even by kitten standards!

  2. It is indeed fairly amazing for graffiti, Herman.
    I didn’t know about Baby Bowie! – I used to think that kittens were more wonderful than cats; but then I decided that it’s not till they’re cats that their personalities are developed …

  3. If that was a Banksy, you and Bowie could buy a villa on Lake Como and invite us all to your Party with George (as in Cluny).

    Beautiful baby Bowie would blow away with ONE balloon if he was here. We had winds this morning at 120 klm/hr. Just about shook me right out of bed, Petals was very scared and then the darn power went out. NO COFFEE…….arrrrrrgghh!

  4. Even as a baby, you were so stunningly handsome, Mr. B. Mom really thought the art was great. Too bad, the green smily face was there as well. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. I would say quite a few but they would have to be made out of something heavy, like rubber, because you know that anything floating in the air is going to get swatted by those kitty cat claws……lol

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