A Day at the Hospital

Can you (h)ear me? Today I had an appointment with Renate, a really brilliant veterinarian at Venhei, a Veterinary Hospital. Mr. Bowie needed an ear examination to identify the cause of the recurring inflammations.

Mr. Bowie in the waiting room.

Mr. Bowie in the waiting room.


Renate removed a lot of foreign materials such as dirt and other tiny things. The planned exploratory surgery wasn’t necessary.

A mixture of dirt.

A mixture of dirt.


The examination went well and we got home around noon. Mr. Bowie’s ear problem should be solved.

Oh no! She's coming back...

Oh no! She’s coming back…


Can we go home now?

Can we go home now?

107 responses

  1. Maar Bowieke toch, laat je maar goed verwennen door je baasje.
    Herman, jij maar denken dat Bowie koppig was, nee hoor,
    hij hoorde jou gewoon niet meer door alle vuil dat in zijn oortje zat…
    Hopelijk is alles nu echt wel opgelost!!

  2. Oh wow, all that stuff in 2 little ears! I’m so glad it went well and no surgery! Will he go back now and then to get that looked at again? Mr. Bowie must have been a very good boy at the doctor’s. (Like not trying to bite the vet………)

  3. Ocharme Bowie, hoe komt dat daar nu allemaal in!
    Hopelijk is alles nu achter de rug en komen die ontstekingen nooit meer terug!

  4. Can’t believe all that was in one ear! I’m glad he doesn’t need surgery. Cool decoration on the waiting room wall by the way.

    Hope Mr Bowie got plenty of treats after his vet visit!

  5. Mr. B., we are sure happy that you aren’t going to need surgery. We just want to know how you got all that “stuff” in your ears! It appears as if you were a very good kitty at the VET. Hope you got some extra treats when you got home. Have a great weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    • Thank you for this warm comment, my friends. Mr. Bowie got some extra treats this evening (and so did I).
      We don’t really know how all that stuff got in his ear. Maybe it’s ear wax and dirt sticking together for years now…??

  6. Dear Mr. Bowie you sure are one brave cat and I hope you’ll be infection free now. Big kiss from me to you 🙂

  7. Oh dear Mr. Bowie!! I had to treat a cat for ear mites once and she made a great fuss so that I had to put on swim goggles for safety whenever I applied medicine. You are very brave letting people clean out your ear that way!

  8. Amazing what can get stuffed down into a cats’ ear! I know both of you are happy no surgery was needed….and with all that OUT of there now, hopefully the END of the ear infections. Whew! Thank heavens…..I say treat for Mr. Bowie and a lot of chocolate for YOU!


  9. Happy! Hopefully it was just that one item became lodged in there and all the other things became trapped around it and Bowie couldn’t dislodge it. Now that it’s gone it he may stay clear.

  10. A case of dirt and other stuff. Certainly, Mr. Bowie may be able to hear the birds and other critters much better.

    Our paws crossed this is the last visit for a long time. 🙂

  11. Good Gosh, eck. Mr Bowie, looks like you were trying your paw at becoming a gardener. I do hope that’s a done deal and your tiny perfect little ears will be right as rain. I must say, that’s a very posh office, you’re all so trendy in Belgium.

    BTW, I just looked at some Estee Lauder on my counter and it’s made in Belgium too. I picture cute little kitties in lab coats with monogrammed EL on them 😀

    • We have to go back after a 10 days treatment with a new medicine. But everything should be okay by then. Thanks for your comment, Ellie.

    • Thanks for your comment, Mary. I’m lucky Mr. Bowie loves to go for car rides. But going to the vet… that’s another story!

    • Hi Carine. These things all came out of the inner ear. Hard to believe. They had never seen something like that before…
      Thank you for your comment.

    • Thanks for your comment, Jessica. We’ll have to back next Monday to be sure everything’s ok. Let’s hope so…

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